Wednesday, June 13, 2012


In the old part of the city, the "Medina," they have these streets of shops, little nooks where venders hang, display and sale their wares. It was incredibly crowded, and busy, and we walked for some time through here, all the while locals were passing by and jostling us as we were going slower than they as they bustled to get their work done. Many here watched with a weary eye, wondering what we (who obviously did not belong) were doing there, and as I tried to take pictures, they shied back and shook me away, obviously not wanting to appear in any foreign photos. I took this more neutral one later. it was amazing.

One day we went into the back country to see local farms and agricultural cooperatives. While there, we saw these schools, segregated between boys and girls, where they teach practical skills: wood and metal working for the boys, sewing and needlepoint for the girls. These were students who could not or did not go to the normal public schools for whatever reason,

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