Thursday, June 14, 2012

Sevilla and Beyond

After returning to Spain, I went through the Cathedral in Sevilla, where you can see (as in this picture) Columbus's burial place. He was in the Dominican Republic, but later moved to Cuba, and when it was clear that they would win their independence in 1898, Spain brought his remains back to the motherland. Here they rest in a symbolic monument for all to see, you just have to visit Sevilla.
On the drive from Sevilla to Cordoba, we saw a large and interesting structure up on a hill in the middle of a small town. So, we stopped and climbed up to this lookout in the courtyard of an ancient church. On the way we passed an archeological museum, in this tiny town of Osuna, that had roman remnants, Visigoth panels, Arabic coins, but what I thought was the most interesting was their collection of pre-roman Iberian sculptures. I love a land where just driving from one city to another, you can stop to rest and find the remains of civilizations that border on pre-history. In our country, the historical monuments begin popping up in the 18th century, not the fifth and sixth century BC!

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